Does editing your Medium Writer’s Challenge Entry Disqualify you?

Because I literally just need a yes or no answer so I don’t sound like a dope for thinking Macauley Caulkin was in The Sixth Sense

Nikki Waterson
1 min readAug 29, 2021

So, serious question that I can’t find the answer for, in the T&C’s from Medium, FAQ’s or anywhere else online.

I was just alerted that I thought it was Macauley Caulkin in The Sixth Sense and it was in actual fact Haley Joel Osment. To be fair, I was 6 when I watched it! It’s the whole point of the article, I was too young! Sigh.

So if anyone knows if editing my story does anything to damage, disqualify or otherwise ruin my entry, please let me know!

How about you? Did you make any gross mistakes entering the MWC like I did? Get Natalie Portman’s filmography wrong for instance? Oof, that would be awkward.

